About Us
Msgr. Tom Tank was the first priest to bring weekend retreats to the Kansas City, Kansas Diocese in 2004. He saw a fire being lit in the lives of parishioners, and wanted to use the weekend to transform his parish. He’s spent the last 18 years as the diocesan spiritual director for our ministry, giving countless hours to it’s longevity and mission to multiple parishes.
Deacon John Stanley, an associate of Fr. Tank, made his first weekend retreat at Ascension in 2004. Ignited by the Holy Spirit, John knew the Lord was calling him to more, spiritually. He credits his retreat experience with leading him to his diaconate ordination in 2017. He now spends his time in evangelical ministry.
Over the last 18 years, hundreds of volunteers have gifted this ministry to their brothers and sisters in Christ. Today, 21 parishes and over 5,000 people that have received the gift of a retreat weekend.
Inspired by Monsignor Tom and hundreds of passionate volunteers, Second Wind was created to channel this energy and reach out to the 100,000 Catholics in Kansas City and Missouri who have yet to experience a weekend retreat.
The ministry would not be possible without the many hours of contributions by our hundreds of volunteers and parish staff. We are so grateful for the support, and are inspired to use the ministry to change more lives and more parishes.
Second Wind is supported by a network of Angels who are motivated to reach others with the gift of a Retreat Weekend. We invite you to join us with your own Angel gift to Second Wind today.
Founding Angels
Monsignor Tom Tank
Deacon John Stanley
Jim Milazzo and Kimberly Anderson
Steve and Patti Brownback
John and Abby Corkery
Ken and Kathy Jennison
Shane and Theresa Jones
Roger and Ann Lenertz
Rick and Denise Mills
Larry and Kathy Ryan
Rich and Angela Schermerhorn