Our Mission
Second Wind exists to enable Pastors to have access to the most effective resources for adult faith formation. The leveraging of technology creates the opportunity to distribute these resources in the most cost-effective manner.

Weekend Retreats
Weekend retreats are meant to engage and reinvigorate lay members. We’ve put together a list of great options for your parish to consider.

Momentum provides opportunities to uplift brothers and sisters in our community who need a second wind. Initiative opportunities include immigrant assistance, prison ministry, and refugee aid.

About Us
Second Wind was created to reach out to the 100,000 Catholics in Kansas City and Missouri who have yet to experience a weekend retreat.

Invest in the Mission
A network of Angels has formed to provide funding through Second Wind to assist local parish initiatives like weekend retreats and Momentum. Supporting Second Wind also supports ongoing free faith formation resources online.
Other Resources
Find more resources to enhance your spiritual formation both online and in person. These resources are perfect for people on all different paths of their faith journey.